Stop Motion Animation - An All Ages Event

Please join us for this very fun event! Stop motion is an animated filmmaking technique in which objects are physically manipulated in small increments between individually photographed frames so that they will appear to exhibit independent motion or change when the series of frames is played back.

  • This class will be offered to RVA students both in-person and online. Please make sure to RSVP if you will be attending at the RVA Learning Center in Mosinee or online in Mrs. Mukerji’s Zoom Room.

  • Students will learn the basics of stop motion animation using their Chromebooks and be shown examples. Students will then work on creating their very own Stop Motion video!

  • Needed supplies: Chromebook, any small toys (legos, dolls, clay), paper, pencil, etc. that the student would like to use in making their own video.

  • If students are attending in person, supplies will be available here at the RVA Learning Center in Mosinee. However, if students would like to make a video about a specific stub

  • This event will happen on two days. Please RSVP for each day you or your student plan to attend.

    • January 17 - Students will install the chrome extension and learn the basics of stop motion

    • January 21 - Students will have the opportunity to share their videos

  • This event will be capped at 40 students.

Kindly visit the Calendar of Events to RSVP for this event!